tugas vb 1 semester 3



End Sub


Private Sub HURUFMUTU_Click()


End Sub

Private Sub Cmdkeluar_Click()

Unload Me

End Sub


Private Sub Cmdlagi_Click()


Txtkt.Text = “”

Txtht.Text = “”

Txtjk.Text = “”

Txtjb.Text = “”

Txtjt.Text = “”

Txttotalp.Text = “”

End Sub


Private Sub Cmdproses_Click()

Dim KT As String

Dim T As Long

KT = Left(Txtkt.Text, 3)

If KT = “BIM” Then

Txtht.Text = “50000”

Txtjk.Text = “BIMA”

Txtjb.Text = “16.00”

ElseIf KT = “EKO” Then

Txtht.Text = “35000”

Txtjk.Text = “EKONOMI”

Txtjb.Text = “19.00”

ElseIf KT = “SEN” Then

Txtht.Text = “15000”

Txtjk.Text = “SENJA”

Txtjb.Text = “20.00”

ElseIf KT = “MUT” Then

Txtht.Text = “23000”

Txtjk.Text = “MUTIARA”

Txtjb.Text = “17.00”

End If


End Sub

Private Sub Txtjt_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)

If KeyAscii = 13 Then

Txttotalp.Text = Val(Txtht.Text) * Val(Txtjt.Text)

End If

End Sub



Private Sub PTPULANGPETANG_Click()


End Sub



Private Sub KRETAAPI_Click()


End Sub

Private Sub Command1_Click()

Dim GP, TJ, POT, GK, PJ, GD As Currency

GP = Val(Text1.Text)

TJ = Val(Text2.Text)

POT = Val(Text3.Text)

GK = GP + TJ – POT

PJ = (GK * 10) / 100

GD = GK – PJ

Text4.Text = GK

Text5.Text = PJ

Text6.Text = GD

End Sub


Private Sub Command2_Click()

Text1.Text = “”

Text2.Text = “”

Text3.Text = “”

Text4.Text = “”

Text5.Text = “”

Text6.Text = “”


End Sub


Private Sub Command3_Click()

Unload Me

End Sub

Private Sub Command1_Click()

Dim NQ, NT, UTS, UAS, NA As Integer

Dim HM As String

NQ = Val(Text4.Text)

NT = Val(Text5.Text)

UTS = Val(Text6.Text)

UAS = Val(Text7.Text)

NA = (NQ + NT + UTS + UAS) / 4

If NA < 51 Then

HM = “E”

ElseIf NA < 61 Then

HM = “D”

ElseIf NA < 71 Then

HM = “C”

ElseIf NA < 81 Then

HM = “B”


HM = “A”

End If

Text8.Text = NA

Text9.Text = HM

End Sub


Private Sub Command2_Click()

Text1.Text = “”

Text2.Text = “”

Text3.Text = “”

Text4.Text = “”

Text5.Text = “”

Text6.Text = “”

Text7.Text = “”

Text8.Text = “”

Text9.Text = “”

Combo1.Text = “”


End Sub


Private Sub Command3_Click()

Unload Me

End Sub


Private Sub Form_Load()

Combo1.AddItem “11100047”

Combo1.AddItem “11100046”

Combo1.AddItem “11100049”


End Sub



Private Sub Text4_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)

If KeyAscii = 13 Then


End If

End Sub


Private Sub Text5_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)

If KeyAscii = 13 Then


End If

End Sub



Private Sub Text6_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)

If KeyAscii = 13 Then


End If

End Sub

Private Sub Command1_Click()

Dim KO As String

Dim TU, GP As Long

Dim TG As Currency

Text4.Text = Mid(Text11, 2, 4)

KO = Left(Text11, 1)

If KO = “A” Then

Text1.Text = “A”

Text5.Text = “MANAGER”

Text7.Text = “2500000”

Text8.Text = “625000”

ElseIf KO = “B” Then

Text1.Text = “B”

Text5.Text = “KA SEKSI”

Text7.Text = “1500000”

Text8.Text = “375000”

ElseIf KO = “C” Then

Text1.Text = “C”

Text5.Text = “STAFF”

Text7.Text = “1000000”

Text8.Text = “250000”

End If

TU = Val(Text8.Text)

GP = Val(Text7.Text)

TG = GP + TU

Text9.Text = TG

KO = Mid(Text11, 6, 3)

If KO = “KEU” Then

Text6.Text = “ACCOUNTING”

ElseIf KO = “ADM” Then


ElseIf KO = “SDM” Then


ElseIf KO = “EDP” Then

Text6.Text = “IT UNIT”

ElseIf KO = “SPM” Then

Text6.Text = “SECURITY”

End If

KO = Right(Text11, 1)

If KO = “M” Then

Text2.Text = “M”

Text3.Text = “MENIKAH”

ElseIf KO = “S” Then

Text2.Text = “S”

Text3.Text = “SINGGEL”

ElseIf KO = “J” Then

Text2.Text = “J”

Text3.Text = “JANDA”

ElseIf KO = “D” Then

Text2.Text = “D”

Text3.Text = “DUDA”

End If

End Sub


Private Sub Command2_Click()

Text10.Text = “”

Text11.Text = “”


End Sub


Private Sub Command3_Click()

Text1.Text = “”

Text2.Text = “”

Text3.Text = “”

Text4.Text = “”

Text5.Text = “”

Text6.Text = “”

Text7.Text = “”

Text8.Text = “”

Text9.Text = “”

Text10.Text = “”

Text11.Text = “”


End Sub


Private Sub Command4_Click()

Unload Me

End Sub


Google Chrome 17 Lebih Cepat Berkat Proses Pre-render

Browser terbaru Chrome versi 17 telah maluncur, dan diklaim menjanjikan akses internet lebih cepat dan aman. pihak Google menjelaskan bahwa kecepatan Chrome versi 17 ini mampu terwujud berkat proses prerender.

Saat pengguna mulai mengetik di kolom alamat (omnibox), Chrome akan segera melakukan prerender halaman tersebut sehingga berselancar di dunia maya pun bisa lebih ngebut.

Seperti yang kita tahu, Chrome memang dikenal sebagai browser dengan tampilan sederhana namun memiliki kecepatan yang tidak diragukan lagi. Selain kecepatan, browser ini juga menjanjikan keamanan dengan melakukan perlindungan pengguna dari pengunduhan program jahat (malicious).

Bagi Anda yang ingin mengunduhnya, silahkan kunjungi situs resmi Google Chrome.

Hacker Bocorkan Celah Keamanan Google Play Store Melalui Google Bouncer (Video)

Untuk menyaring berbagai aplikasi yang akan masuk ke Google Play dari para developer, Google menggunakan Google Bouncer yang secara otomatis akan memilah aplikasi mana yang aman atau berbahaya sebelum bisa diunduh oleh para pengguna Smartphone Adroid.

Sistem keamanan Google Play dari program jahat dengan memanfaatkan Google Bouncer ini terbilang cukup canggih, namun baru-baru ini, dua orang pakar keamanan, Charlie Miller dan Jon Oberheide, berhasil menemukan celah pada Google Bouncer sehingga sistem tersebut bisa ditembus dan digunakan oleh siapapun untk mengirimkan aplikasi berbahaya ke Google Play Store.

Keduanya berhasil menerobos sistem Google Bouncer dengan mengirimkan aplikasi pencuri data ke Google. Ada beberapa cara yang bisa mereka lakukan untuk sukses, salah satunya dengan menyembunyikan sifat asli aplikasi saat diperiksa oleh Bouncer.

Miller dan Jon telah memperlihatkan aksinya kepada pihak Google dan membeberkan semua trik jahatnya dengan harapan agar Google bisa segera memperbaiki celah tersebut. berikut ini adalah video aksi kedua hacker tersebut untuk menerobos sistem keamanan Google Bouncer.


RIM Tandatangani MoU Dengan Institute Teknologi Bandung (ITB) untuk Pengembangan Aplikasi Mobile

Research In Motion (RIM) selaku produsen Smartphones BlackBerry, pada tanggal 22 Mei kemarin telah menandatangani kerjasama atau MoU dengan salah satu Universitas terkemuka di Indonesia, Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB).

Isi dari MoU tersebut adalah berupa persetujuan antara pihak RIM dan ITB dalam membuka kursus pelatihan bagi para mahasiswa ITB agar mereka dapat belajar untuk mengembangkan dan memasarkan aplikasi mobile. Bukan hanya itu saja, dengan adanya MoU ini juga RIM akan memberikan beasiswa, berbagai kegiatan seminar dan konferensi untuk Mahasiswa di kampus ITB.

Managing Director RIM Asia Selatan, Hastings Singh menyatakan ketertarikannya untuk menjadikan Indonesia sebagai pusat inovasi pengembangan aplikasi dan konten mobile di wilayah Asia Tenggara dan seluruh dunia.

Kontes Robot Di Universitas Hasanuddin Makasar

Himpunan Mahasiswa Teknik ELektro Universitas Hasanuddin kembali mengadakan acara lomba robot. Sebanyak 18 tim dari sejumlah Perguruan Tinggi di Indonesia beradu kreativitas dalam lomba robot ini. Kontes dalam rangkaian acara “IT Fest 2012″ ini bisa dikatakan sebagai pemanasan menjelang Kontes Robot Indonesia yang akan digelar bulan Mei mendatang.

Masing-masing tim diberikan kesempatan untuk menurunkan dua robot untuk dilombakan. Dalam lomba ini, robot itu membuat benteng pertahanan dengan mengangkat sejumlah kubus. Pemenangnya akan mendapat predikat The King.

Ilmuwan di Eropa Kembangkan Robot Ikan untuk Pemantauan Polusi Air, Harga $ 31.600 per unit

Para Ilmuwan di Eropa diketahui tengah mengembangkan robot ikan untuk memperbaiki sistem pemantauan polusi air. Mereka menurunkan robot tersebut dari laboratorium ke laut untuk keperluan pengujian di pelabuhan Gijon, Spanyol.

Para peneliti mengklaim robot ikan tersebut mampu mendeteksi polutan yang ada di laut dalam hitungan detik, yang biasanya mereka harus menghabiskan waktu berminggu-minggu untuk menganalisis polutan tersebut.

Robot ikan yang memiliki panjang 1,5 meter tersebut dirancang secara khusus untuk bisa berenang seperti ikan pada umumnya dan dilengkapi dengan sensor untuk mengambil polutan yang bocor dari kapal atau pipa bawah laut.

Robot ikan tersebut juga dilengkapi dengan kemampuan untuk membersihkan tumpahan minyak serta melakukan pengamanan bawah air, pengawasan untuk para penyelam, atau pencarian orang yang tenggelam.

Robot ikan tersebut akan diujikan minggu ini, setelah lolos uji, robot ikan tersebut akan diproduksi secara masal untuk dijual dengan harga US$ 31.600 per unit,

Blackberry Playbook Review: ‘It’s not an iPad’


It’s been roughly a year since the Blackberry Playbook saw the light of day. At the time of release, the unit had top-notch hardware, a fancy new operating system, and an iPad mimicking $499 starting price. Fast forward a year, and the units can be had as low as $199 at the local bargain bin. But even at fire sale prices, should consumers care?

Hardware: Like most hardware at the Blackberry high-end, the Playbook has a premium feel that bests most of its direct competition. The unit packs a 7” IPS display, as well as cameras front and back. The screen has excellent color and viewing angles, while the rear camera at 5MP, records full 1080P video. Viewing the recorded video from a PC, or television, shows excellent color and detail on par with a mid range point-and-shoot.

Other hardware highlights include a 1Ghz dual core processor, 1GB of RAM, dual mics for stereo recording, stereo speakers, and micro-HDMI out. Engadget’s tests peg battery life on the device at 7 hrs. For those keeping score, these hardware specs, sans the lesser quality display, match pretty closely those of the New iPad.

Software: The Playbook runs it own “Playbook OS”, which is based on QNX. With a 2012 update to version 2 of the software, Blackberry added the ability to run Android apps on the device. Doing this however is not easy, and proves useless for a typical consumer.

Navigating the device is a pleasure using the devices card interface; the Playbook draws heavily from HP WebOS in that regard. Users can slide and swipe to toggle between and close out apps. Multitasking on the device was a dream and a much better experience than both iOS and Android.

Visiting the Playbook App Store unfortunately is where the experience begins to come apart. The store has a number of high quality applications and games, but only a fraction of those on competing platforms. Customers looking to use Instagram, Hulu+, or Kindle among hundreds of others, need not apply. Casual users and gamers should feel quite at home on the device. The game selection on the device was a bright spot – with searches for Angry Birds returning every possible iteration.

Verdict: Even a year later, the Blackberry Playbook has excellent hardware, an outstanding interface, and for the casual user, is an overall excellent value at $199. Unfortunately for Blackberry, it doesn’t matter much the quality of hardware, since it continues lack the breadth of applications that other platforms support. It is easiest to summarize the Playbook in saying that ‘it’s not an iPad’, or ‘it’s not the one my friends have’.

Score: 8 / 10

Product Reviews
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Review: 2012 Apple TV – New Interface Preps for App Boom

ImageApple TV started life as a half-baked media center device in 2007, during the height of the HDTV boom. At the time, the unit shipped with HDMI, component video, optical audio, USB connectivity, and a built-in hard drive. It soon became clear that the future of media was in cloud-based streaming and not physical file ownership. During its next revision, most everything was stripped from the device – with it being repositioned as a $99 streaming only-device.With a third revision announced during this month’s Apple press conference, the newest Apple TV is mostly the same physical hardware, with a few critical software changes that signal Apple may have finally made amends with media in the living room.

Design and Hardware:

The design of the current generation Apple TV is wholly a carry-over from the previous iteration. The unit carries a sleek black puck shape, with polished sides, and a matte top. A single white LED lights on the front to show it is alive and well. Overall the unit is a very unobtrusive addition for most any home theater.

The unit is packaged with the same uninspired aluminum Apple remote. Overall the remote itself looks great, but is not very functional, with a narrow and long shape that is awkward to hold. The remote also uses IR instead of RF and requires direct line of sight. For this reason, the Apple TV cannot be placed into a cabinet without an additional IR blaster.

A final hardware tweak involves the newer A5 processor. This gives the Apple TV roughly the same processing power as an iPhone 4S and enables 1080p video playback on the device.


All of Apple’s important changes have been made to the software and interface. With the exception of 1080p playback, all of the updated features will also be made available to owners of the previous generation Apple TV.

From within the new interface, users are greeted with a friendlier iOS-like interface. Each application, or channel is given a dedicated button on the home display. Current channel partners include YouTube, Vimeo, Netflix, MLB, NHL, and Wall Street Journal, among others. After clicking into an application, the interface return to being mostly identical to the previous generation model, but it is important to note the interface change, not because it looks more appealing, but because it indicates that the interface is designed to support expanded app and/or channel support.

After clicking into one of the Apple TV channels, the interface returns to being a carry-over from the previous generation. In addition to streaming content from a “Home Sharing” enabled PC, the new Apple TV can also access your previously purchased movies, music, and TV from iCloud. This means you no longer need to keep and archive downloaded iTunes files – a big departure and welcome change in keeping with the cloud direction of media. Even podcasts can be marked as “favorites”, so they are bookmarked and streamed directly from Apple’s servers – without the need to sync and download physical files.

If unfamiliar with the previous generation model – the Apple TV can retains the ability to serve as a “AirPlay” destination for video and audio. From an iOS device, such as an iPad – the unit can also support display mirroring, if you would like to conquer Angry Birds on the big screen. This screen mirroring support is also expected in the next generation of OS X on the desktop – making Apple hardware in the living room an even more cohesive setup.


If looking only at the surface level, or analysing changes in hardware, the new Apple TV would look to be an update for updates sake. But it is quite pleasing to see the number of changes made to the software that make the device a much more logical choice for the living room.

Unlike systems like the Boxee Box, the Apple TV also does not include USB ports, or the number of channel partners. Where the new Apple TV makes most sense is if you already buy a majority of your content in iTunes. For this block of people, you are able to forgo traditional channels for podcast streaming from an even larger list of providers – as well as streaming every TV show, Movie, and song ever purchased through iTunes. If you are still a holdout for subscription services such as HBO Go and Hulu+, I would not be too concerned – as the revised interface on the Apple TV all but confirms that these additional sources are being planned.

Since the Apple TV software update is available to previous generation owners – this group of shoppers need not apply. For any other shopper who has purchased content in iTunes, owns a Mac, or is simply looking for an easy, low cost streaming device to get on-demand content to their HDTV, the revised Apple TV is definitely worth the $99 purchase price, and if hunches on the interface redesign are correct – an expanded app library and pending SDK could make the Apple TV the streaming device to beat.

Score: 8 / 10
Product Reviews
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Review: Pioneer AppRadio

A physical CD, or smartphone packed with MP3’s? Chunky Garmin GPS, or Google Maps? Now that an increasing number of drivers are replacing the whole of in-car entertainment for a smartphone tacked to the dash, Pioneer looking to ride this transition – rather than loosing the market. Enter the AppRadio.Announced at CES 2011, the Pioneer AppRadio combines a double-din capacitive touchscreen with an iPhone dock, and not much more. As a mech-less unit, the Pioneer relies on your connected iPhone to power all of its services. While looking for an upgrade for my factory stereo, to add iPod control, the AppRadio looked to be a no brainer – so in the dash it went.Hardware and Software

As the name suggests, the AppRadio is capable of running supported apps from your iDevice. These apps include Pandora,  MotionX GPS Drive, and roughly a half dozen others. The hardware itself may be its best feature. The 6.1” capacitive touchscreen has a moderately dense 800×480 resolution. Graphics and interface on the unit are some of the best among in-car head stereos. After docking my compatible iPhone 4 however, things get a bit less impressive with how the unit handles app support. A number of the app limitation the unit experience are not the fault of Pioneer per-se, but pop-up because the disjointed developer support of the iPod/iPhone out functionality the unit uses to mirror its apps. Pandora is a good example of this, the application itself does not support full integration with the AppRadio controller application – so once entering the app, you cannot return to the AppRadio app interface without manually relaunching the app from your phone. Luckily, most other apps the units support will indeed reopen the AppRadio controller app once your exit them on the head unit. Outside of app support, the unit supports the expected iPod control with full menus, and bluetooth hands-free calling. Bluetooth streaming support is omitted in this case – since a direct connection to a docked iPhone is required for any app support.


The shining gen among applications looks to be the support of MotionX GPS Drive. While this application does limit your ability the manipulate addresses from the unit – it does output the maps to the screen with corresponding audio prompts. For the $350 street price of the unit, this suboptimal experience is still miles beyond traditional units in the price class. The unit even includes an external GPS antenna, so signal performance with the phone in a glove box was never an issue.

Audio performance was also terrific on the unit. The system only includes a 3-band equilizer, but it allows the user to control which frequency to modify in each band, meaning you can specify that the 1k frequency is boosted, while curving up other mid-range frequencies to blend to the peak. At 14w RMS per channel, the unit is not a powerhouse of amplification, but audio performance when compared to the factory stereo is night and day. Bluetooth calling on the unit was average, with both ends coming through without significant distortion. The included microphone is a single unit that does not include a noise cancelling array.


A one-word summary of the AppRadio unit could be: “compromised”. The unit has some hits (audio), and misses (app integration) – but overall is still a bargain at its price. For the iPhone user who runs Pandora and navigation, while hoping noone calls in the middle of “turn left at Belmont” – the AppRadio is an easy recommend. For everyone else, better to keep looking…

Nokia Trailer Hadir di Windows Phone MarketPlace, Aplikasi Khusus untuk Para Penggemar Film

Nokia baru-baru ini meluncurkan sebuah aplikasi khusus untuk Windows Phone miliknya di marketplace. Aplikasi khusus untuk para penggemar film ini dinamai Nokia Trailer.

Nokia Trailer memungkinkan para penggunanya untuk melihat trailer film terbaru atau film-film yang sedang hot. Pengguna juga bisa menonton langsung trailer tersebut secara online atau mengunduh trailer film yang disukai dan menontonnya di lain waktu secara offline.

Tidak hanya itu saja, Nokia Trailer juga akan memberikan beberapa informasi penting mengenai trailer film yang disukai, seperti mengingatkan kapan film tersebut akan dirilis, atau di bioskop mana saja film tersebut akan diputar. Pengguna juga bisa berbagi film favorit ke teman-temannya melalui jejaring sosial.

Nokia Trailer adalah aplikasi khusus untuk Smartphone berbasis  Windows Phone dari Nokia.


RSS Follow us on Twitter Become our friend on Facebook Toshiba Satellite P850 dan Toshiba Qosmio X870, Notebook Premium dengan Teknologi 3D Tanpa Kacamata

Toshiba kembali meluncurkan dua notebook premimum dengan kode nama Toshiba Satellite P850 dan Toshiba Qosmio X870. Kedua notebook dengan prosesor Intel Core generasi ketiga tersebut nampaknya akan menyasar konsumen yang membutuhkan perangkat kerja dengan performa luar biasa sekaligus hiburan dengan kualitas tinggi.

Toshiba Satellite P850 merupakan tablet yang mendukung teknologi 3D tanpa kacamata. Notebook yang satu ini mengusung layar HD clear SuperView 15,6 inci yang didukung oleh kartu grafis Nvidia GeForce GT640M dengan 3D play.

Bukan hanya dari segi grafis saja, kualitas suara pada Toshiba Satellite P850 juga tak kalah bagusnya. Notebook premium yang terbuat dari alumunium yang tipis, kuat dan ringan ini pun dibekali dengan Dukungan SRS Premium Sound 3D dan Sweeping Surround Sound untuk menghasilkan suara berkualitas tinggi dengan tingkat distorsi yang lebih rendah.

Laptop yang kedua adalah Toshiba Qosmio X870 yang sepertinya akan memanjakan para gamers. Notebook ini ditenagai dengan prosesor Intel Core i7 generasi ketiga dengan GPU Nvidia GeForce GTX 670M dan 3GB GDDR5 discrete graphic memory untuk menjalankan game 3D dengan kemampuan grafis tingkat tinggi.

Notebook ini dibekali dengan kapasitas memori hingga 16GB dengan dukungan HDD hybrid hingga 750GB. Layarnya sendiri cukup luas, yakni sekitar 17,3 inci full HD. Untuk urusan suara sendiri diserahkan kepada Harman/Kardon 2×2 dengan SRS premium Sound untuk menghasilkan suara yang lebih hidup saat memainkan game.